What is Human Design?

Have you been hearing about this thing called Human Design, but have no idea what it is? Have you been feeling really drawn to get a reading, but you don’t even know where to start? Let me help break it down for you.

In it’s essence Human Design is a system that came into being in 1987 when a man named Ra Uru Hu went into an 8-day mystical experience where he received the system of Human Design as a download. Sounds…interesting, right? Well, from this experience, the modality of Human Design was born. As we can see, as a modality of it’s own it’s not really that old, but what makes up the system of Human Design are 5 ancient wisdoms and teachings that come together to form a new wisdom.

Human Design is the combination of modern day Western Astrology, the Hindu Chakra System, the Kabbalah, Quantum Physics and the Chinese I-Ching. Now, you might be wondering “Okay cool, but how does it WORK??”. Let me explain.

Our soul chooses the design it wants to be imprinted with before we are even born into this world. It comes here knowing exactly what purpose it wishes to fulfill for this lifetime, and therefore who we will be as human beings when we enter into life on this planet. How this works is that at the time our soul enters our body there are these tiny, invisible particles called neutrinos that pass through and imprint data into our being. These neutrinos carry information from the cosmos that then gives us our ways of being and dictates what energies will be our inherent gifts to have access to in this life on Earth. These neutrinos actually exist all around us every single day and are one of the most abundant particles in our Universe. They also happen to be one of the smallest particles.

What the system of Human Design is then able to tell us by using our birth date, time and location, is who our soul came on this planet to be. Using this information we get a snapshot of the cosmos at the time of our birth which gives us a map of our energetic body. I like to call this map the blueprint to your soul, and what it does is it tells us all the energies that are inherently ours - the gifts we’ve been given for this lifetime; as well as the energies that are not consistent within us - the areas we are here to learn, grow and gain wisdom. (You can go to mybodygraph.com and put in your details to get a free map of your body, and to find out your specific design.)

When looking at this map or blueprint for the first time it may feel a bit like “Cool, cool…but, what am I looking at??”. This is where a reader (like ME!) can come in to help you decipher what it is you’re seeing! But let’s give you a little something to get you started. So, when looking at your body graph you’ll see 9 shapes within the body. These shapes are your 9 Centers and they correspond to the Hindu Chakra system. (More on why there are 9 chakras in the Human Design system, and not 7 like we’re taught in yoga and Hindu tradition at another time!) Next you’ll see little numbers within the 9 Centers. These numbers are called Gates. In the Human Design system there are 64 Gates that each carry their own energy. These Gates correspond to the 64 hexagrams of the Chinese I-Ching. They also relate to the 64 codons within the human genetic code. Then we have the lines that go between the Centers that connect the Gates to each other. These are called Channels. The Channels correspond to the Kabbalah and the channels or pathways within the Tree of Life, and these Channels create yet another energy. Now, as you look at your chart you’ll see some of these Center, Gates and Channels coloured in, and some that are white. Where you see colour is where these energies are defined within you. They are the energies that you have consistent access to that are your gifts and talents in this life. The places where you see white is where you are undefined or open, and this is where we are here to learn, grow and gain wisdom. It’s important to know that there is so much beauty in both the undefined and the defined areas within our bodies, and what we see on our charts is exactly as we are meant to be. Having lots of definition is not better or worse than having more openness. It is all as it is meant to be.

So, as you can see, there is a lot of information to be gained from this one small little image! The gift of getting a reading and having a reader pull all this information together for you in an understandable and digestible way is that you can beginning to learn what it all means for you. To learn how it can begin to enrich your life, to make life easier and more joyful, to help you to step into your purpose and to understand yourself even better than you already do.

We are all born these perfect babies who have full access to living completely into our specific designs and the energies that are inherently within us, but then we begin to become conditioned by society, by our well-meaning parents, teachers and friends, which can take us further away from who we are here to be. The purpose of Human Design and gaining knowledge about your specific design is to help you to begin to peel back the layers of what is not yours, and to come back to the core of who you truly are. Without the judgements, expectations, or fears, and to honour ourselves as we are.

How is this resonating with you? Do you feel a pull to learn more? If you’re feeling ready to be guided through your design click HERE and book your reading today! If you have any further questions reach out via the contact page.


Birth Time…